Wednesday, April 27, 2016

W is for Weary # A to Z Blogging Challenge

You knew I'd pick this word, didn't you? After all, we're on the letter W for the A to Z Blogging challenge and the word Weary is just too perfect for my theme.

By now, after blogging for 27 days straight (except Sundays), you can bet this blogger is growing weary. The thing keeping me going is knowing that the finish line to this marathon is now in sight. And while it has certainly helped me gain a better blogging routine, I feel that blogging weekly might be a better fit for my personal and other writing schedule.

I'm pretty sure getting "weary" in the blogging process happens to most of us. I find that a change of scenery helps when the computer screen is just a dull, blank, uninspirational sheet staring back at me. If it's a nice day, I might take a nice walk. It's interesting what ideas and thoughts occur to you as you walk. 

Another thing I do is if I know I'm going to be busy one week, then I plan out my posts. For example this weekend that passed, all three of my children were in a play that had 3 show times throughout the weekend. That was just the show. That didn't include preparing and feeding everyone. So I planned for that. Had I tried to squeeze it in, I'm sure I would have felt overwhelmed. 

One final thought about defeating the blogging weariness, is to find something that energizes you. It could be a break with a good book. It could be mental break of a day out with a friend. Or it could mean a nice cup of caffeine. Whatever it is, recharge. 

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