Tuesday, April 26, 2016

V is for Voice #AtoZBlogging Challenge

As I ponder the letter V in this A to Z Blogging Challenge, I look to the word Voice. Voice is something writers focus on in blogging or in any of their writing. When I started this challenge, I knew my blog was about writing and I have a certain voice that goes with the blog.  Sometimes, I feel I'm still struggling with it.

Another challenge for me was to see if my blog's theme and voice would work with  my Blogging Challenge Theme. As I decided that my theme should be about the struggles of keeping up with the challenge, I pondered my voice as well.  Do my posts "sound like me" ? While I was pretty sure I was up to the "challenge", I wanted to be sure I didn't stray from my voice.

As I read up on the blogging voice, I kept coming across a united theme: your blog is not for everyone. So relax knowing you do not have to be everything to everyone. 

Another tip I came across for someone trying to find and/or keep their voice is Reading. Just like reading more books makes us better writers, reading more blogs make us better bloggers. 

A third tip I found was to be useful. I'll admit. I may be lagging here on this one. I really am just struggling to stay afloat in the challenge. However, before the challenge I often blogged about writing tips and book reviews. 

How do you find your voice? Have you thought about it at all or is it just something that you see across all of your writing?


  1. I am new to blogging so still working on finding my voice. Visiting so many other blogs during the challenge has been extremely helpful.

    Weekends in Maine

  2. I have no idea how you find your voice, but I definitely know the feeling of questioning your voice. I always try to make sure that my blog posts reflect the real me. If you knew me in person, I would sound the exact same and say many of the same things. And yet… I don't want my blog to be an exact image of me. Like, I don't want you to learn absolutely everything about me from my blog posts, because that's weird. It's hard keeping a balance of sharing some of my life and not all of it while also letting my writing be a reflection of who I actually am. Hopefully through A-Z you've learned a bit more about your blog and the direction you want to take it (and the voice you want to have). :)
