Thursday, April 28, 2016

X is for eXtremely Difficult #AtoZBlogging Challenge

I tried not to do it. I scoured the Internet and even my printed dictionaries for an X word that had SOMETHING to do with writing. I tried not to include words with "ex", but that was extremely difficult. I would have ended up blogging unsuccessfully about a word that I just learned the meaning of. 

So in keeping with my theme, I will point out that letter X was an extremely difficult letter to tackle. Since I had the blogging energy a few days ago, I seized the opportunity and pre-planned this post. I could not be sure I'd be able to attempt it if I weren't fully up to the "challenge".

So, when tackling a writing project, what do you do when you run into and extremely difficult situation? Our initial response, as it should be, is to tackle it head on and push through. With every problem, there is a solution, correct?

While that is true, there are many difficult problems where the solution is not always obvious. In extreme situations like that, we need to look outside the box. We need to get creative. In my case, I had to search other ways to satisfy the "X" requirement of this challenge. 

Another thing I did was go back to visiting other blogs. What did they come up with for x? Did they choose only "X" words? Some did, while others went for "Ex". What I discovered was that everyone had their own unique way of tacking this post. Which got me to wondering, what did you do to tackle this extremely difficult letter? Did you use "X" or "EX"? Leave me a link to your post in the comments. 

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