Saturday, April 2, 2016

Books, Books, Books #AtoZBlogging Challenge

As a follow up to yesterday's post, my topic for the letter B is "Books, Books, Books". More specifically, books for children with health issues.  As a teacher and an author,  I firmly believe that reading about something is the best way to start to deal with that specific problem. Children can identify with the characters or learn how that character handled the situation they were given.

Below is a list of books for children with various chronic diseases, along with a small description and a link.

Riley's Heart Machine
By Lori M Jones

Riley  is afraid of what her friends will think if thy find out about her pacemaker. In Riley's Heart Machine, Riley needs to overcome her fear of being different and finally shares her secret with her friends in a "unique" way.

Now Caitlin Can
By: Ramona Wood

This is a story about a little girl, Caitlin, who is in need of a Kidney Transplant. This is told by the point of view of Caitiln's older brother Freddie.

Pennies, Nickels and Dimes
By: Elizabeth Murphy Meals

Ashley and her friend try to raise money for her Transplant  Operation and learn even more about Organ Transplantation in the process.

Going to the Hospital
By: Fred Rogers

A picture book detailing a typical hospital visit and common forms of treatments that occur there.

These are just a few of my favorites I found when I was searching for books for our family. What are some of your favorite specialty books?

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