Thursday, March 31, 2016

Angel Donor and April #AtoZChallenge

A is For Angel Donor and the Month of April

I really didn't want to start the A to Z Blogging challenge talking about one of my own books. I brainstormed writing tips, inspirations, book reviews and even favorite Disney characters. I went as far as typing my first paragraph when it hit me. April, in addition to being the month of the blogging challenge, is also a month that is close to my family's heart. It is also known as Donate Life Month. This is not just any month to me or my family.

Donate Life Month is a month of features and activities to raise awareness of the need for life saving organs and to celebrate those who chose to save a life through organ donation. You can learn more about it here

Why is this month more than just a cause for our family? Unfortunately in 2002 we were introduced to chronic illnesses and organ transplantation with my daughter. As her disease went on, it was clear. She needed a liver. Her childhood was clouded by illnesses, doctors and hospitals. It was during this time that the idea for Angel Donor was born. 

I often wished I could read my daughter a book that she could identify with on the subject. She worried about her doctor visits and hospital stays and at times struggled to really understand what was happening. Thankfully, because of the generosity of a family during one of their most trying times, our daughter received her much needed transplant.

However, this was not going to be our only experience in our family. Our third child was also born with a chronic condition and may need a transplant in the future as well. 

While I haven't been active lately in blogging, I have several posts on my Angel Donor blog, which offers just a glimpse into the transplant community. I urge you to take a look and leave a comment on any of the posts. 

So as I was brainstorming and wondering what I could write about, I chose something that I hope will be meaningful and inspirational to anyone who comes across this post.

Have you had any experiences with organ transplants? What are your challenges? Hopes?


  1. My husband's best friend growing up had cancer and required a liver transplant. Sadly , we lost him about 12 years ago. His family has been very active in the Histiocytosis Association ever since. He was my motivation for becoming an organ donor and always on my mind when I talk to others about organ donation.

    ~*~Fellow A-to-Z Challenger @MamaRabia

  2. Good for you for writing such a needed and important book! No apologies needed. Thanks for sharing and I'll check out your site.

  3. Golly Jen, no I haven't had these kinds of issues in my family or with anyone close to me. I can only imagine how tough and worrying it all is. And that is wonderful that some one in your family was able to help out for your daughter. Good luck on this journey...

  4. Rabia I am sorry for your loss. These experiences certainly impact out lives.

  5. Thank you Stephanie. I'll be sure to return the favor :)

  6. Thank you Susan. It is funny, while these times were trying, they have strengthened me as well.
