Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Star in the Night featured on Blog Talk Radio's show Halo Kids

I'm excited to announce my book A Star in the Night, illustrated by K.C. Snider and published by Guardian Angel Publishing, will be featured on Blog Talk Radio's show Halo Kids. JD Holiday will be there as well to ask a few questions. This is a great opportunity to see if my book is something you might want to purchase.

What is the book about? On Christmas Eve, David sees this is no ordinary night. Accompanied by a shimmering star David encounters three experiences that will change his view of Christmas forever.

At Halo Kids Tales, JD Holiday reads 2-3 stories per show and talks briefly with the authors of the books. What a fun way to connect with books and an author. 

Where:  Halo Kids Tales  Be sure to click the show link.
When:  Thursday December 19, 2013  1:00 PM

 So tune in, give my book a listen and get the book for this Christmas season.  See you there!   

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Book Review: Wild About Books

                                      Wild About Books  

What do you do if you drive your mobile library to a zoo? Why, share the books of course.  That's just what the mobile libarian Molly McGrew does in Wild About Books. In this rhyming picture book, the librarian ends up in a zoo and decides to introduce the animals to the world of reading. The flow of the poetry was music to my ears and it captivated my preschooler's attention the entire time.  Favorite lines of the book mentioned other popular children's classics, which exited my class even more. The illustrations by talented illustrator Marc Brown were engaging, colorful and fun.

However, as an author I have to say MY favorite part of the book was how naturally the readers turned into authors. What a great lesson and how true to life that is. The book beautifully painted how authors begin as avid readers then grow to have a desire to create their own story.  This is a must read for children, teachers and of course authors. You won't regret it! 

 Where to get it:


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Words of a Teacher

Tonight was a big night. I took my oldest daughter out to a high school open house. It wasn't just any school. This open house was at the school I went to. As soon as we pulled up, a flood of memories rushed over me.

 As we entered through the auditorium door, I remembered the last day of Junior Year. It was dismissal time and we juniors were anxious to start our summer vacation, when we heard the words "Seniors, you may now leave the auditorium." It took us a minute and then we realized the speaker was talking to us. We broke out in cheers and began our summer vacation.

As my daughter and I made our way into the cafeteria to wait for our tour, memories of friends, dances, and warm cheese reminded me of high school days.

However, the highlight of the night was the tour. Our group entered into the English department in Room 107. As soon as I saw the classroom, chills ran down my arms. This was THE room. This is where it happened. It was the first time someone ever called me a writer! In Senior Year, we worked what seemed like an entire semester on an essay. We worked in groups and critiqued each other's work There were rewrites and more rewrites. Finally, we were ready to turn in our papers. A few days later I got my paper back and it said, "Great job, you little writer you!" I've never forgotten those words and I wished she was there tonight to tell her that her words helped give me the courage I needed to become an author.

The words of a teacher can shape a child. As a teacher and an author I try to remember that. As my daughter and I made our way home tonight, I left the school cherishing the memories and honoring that little encouragement I received so many years ago. Now as my daughter embarks on her high school journey, I hope she finds the same support.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Funding an Author Visit

Summer 2013 is coming to a close at a speed faster than lightning. Pretty soon new classes will form and friendships will be made. As the school year begins and routines take shape, it is important to spark and encourage the children's interest. It may be challenging, as students may still be thinking about the beach. Or their thoughts may turn more toward Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. One way to spark some interest is to host an author visit.  It brings the world of books alive for children and integrates language arts skills.

As much as an author visit sounds like a fairy tale come true, funding it can be as tricky as a Harry Potter spell. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Check with organizations such as the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) or the American Library Association (ALA) for grants  that may be available. This is most helpful if you are hosting an out of town author where expenses can triple.
  • Hold classroom fundraisers to raise money for the visit: hold a bake sale, art sale, Movie Night, etc. ----Be creative.
  • See if a local business will help sponsor a visit
  • Auction off an autographed copy of one of the author's books -contact me and I can help with any of my books-just ask!

Need more ideas, check out my fundraising tips!

To contact me for your next author visit, please visit my Author Website contact me via e-mail.

Sunday, July 14, 2013



July 15, 2013 --

Jennifer Gladen, Editor-in-Chief of My Light Magazine announced the latest issue of the magazine is now live online. “We’ve made many changes and improvements this time,” stated the magazine’s founder, “and I think you’re going to love it!”  

Ms Gladen announced several new departments including the new special nonfiction section titled God’s Amazing World. “This is exciting,” the Editor-in-Chief said, “to highlight God’s creation like this and at the same time, teach the children all about how it works.” In addition to this new department, there is also a section for Devotions, Bible stories, and Catechism studies. “There’s something for everyone,” Gladen stated.

Perhaps the newest item to the magazine is the Children’s Submissions. “My Light welcomes submissions from children in addition to our authors and illustrators,” Gladen said. “With a parent or guardian’s permission, children may submit a story, poem, prayer, or artwork.” More information on submissions for children is available on the website.

The entire My Light team worked tireless hours putting the new look together. “It’s been a rough road,” stated Gladen, “but like the winning team that we are, we pulled together and came out with another super issue of My Light Magazine.”

For more information about My Light Magazine, please visit
And their blog


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Writer's Cafe - a Cool Writer's Hangout

How did I not know about this before? Was I living under a rock? I recently discovered a great site from a teacher friend (gotta love those teachers) called Writer's Cafe. It is a free writing community where writers can post their work, get reviews, make connections, etc.

I am just getting familiar with it as it is a recent discovery for me. It has the option of connecting with Facebook (another way to promote your books, etc with out the BUY MY BOOK post we occasionally come up with). At times, it is difficult to get reliable critique partners, so this can be a nice alternative. 

However, as a published children's author, I want to remind my readers to be careful what you put up there. If you're looking for critiques on work you will send to a publisher, do not put it online as it could be viewed as "already published" or seen in its entirety publicly, which greatly reduces the ability to sell your work. If you are honing your craft or are writing a piece just to write, this is a great place to start. Other experienced authors will give you positive and constructive feedback. 

When the time comes you want to write something to submit to a publisher, pick a few of your most trusted critiquers either from your Writer's Cafe friends or your own private critique group and privately send your work to be critiqued. 

For authors of books, you can use this as another way to promote your books. Just go in to the Add Writing section and from the drop down menu select "book". This is meant for people to write a book there, but you can do what I did and just add your book's blurb. If you connected your account to Facebook, it will show on your  Facebook newsfeed. 

My blurb on A Star in the Night at Writer's Cafe

There's plenty to do there at Writer's Cafe. If you're there, look me up at

See ya there!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Show Don't Tell

My daughter's 7th grade classroom has an amazing teacher who is enthusiastic about writing and the writing process. After hearing how they are learning about "Showing, not telling," I recently offered to do a classroom visit to reinforce the concept they are learning. 

As an author and editor I was thrilled to hear how the teacher is sharing with them about the real writing process and what matters to editors. When we show instead of tell in our writing, we make the writing jump off the page.
I asked the children for examples of showing for the sentence "He liked this safe place." My favorite response? "His eyes lit up when he walked in". Amazing - and from a 7th grader. I suspect us writers are going to have some strong competition in a few years. 

Some more examples of showing versus telling:

  • Telling:    It was a nice day.  
  • Showing: The sun gleamed through the bright blue sky. The warm breeze tickled my cheek 

  • Telling:  He was sad.
  • Showing: A frown crept across his face as a tear escaped from his eye.

  • Telling: My room is a mess.
  • Showing: Clothes lay strewn all over the room. Checkers decorated the remaining visible floor. 

Join in the conversation. What are your Showing Versus Telling sentences? 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fun with Jill Osborne

About a week ago I had the pleasure of talking with Jill Osborne about my newest book, Angel Donor. When Angel Donor won the P&E Reader's Poll, I had a giveaway to celebrate. Jill, a writer and a play therapist, won the book. I am thrilled that she will not only be able to enjoy the book herself, but she added it to her collection for play therapy. It warms my heart that the book will be doing what it was meant to - to help other children.

When Jill read the book, she was excited about it and wanted to do an interview with me. Head on over to her blog and check out what we discussed. Thank you again Jill for your support of Angel Donor.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Upcoming Events

Look for me next month at my two local events. I will be at Christ the King on March 10 and for all my Holy Redeemer fans, I'll be hanging out with you on Family Fun Night. Don't miss these events. You can purchase an autographed copy of any of my books, including the award winner Angel Donor. 

At Christ the King I will be selling and signing my books. Be sure to visit me and get a free autographed book mark just for stopping by. Teachers and Librarians, don't miss my flyer about author visits. You'll learn how I can do small group or large group presentations. I also have a lesson plan handout on shadows to go with Teresa's Shadow. 

If we meet up at Holy Redeemer, I will be reading Teresa's Shadow to the children and signing and selling my books. Plus there's a chance to win a basket of all three of my books autographed. 

Both events are sure to be packed with fun! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Angel Donor Named Best Children’s Book in the Preditors and Editors Poll of 2012

January 17, 2013 –
Children’s author and Editor-in-Chief of My LightMagazine announced her third book, Angel Donor, came in first place for children’s books in the 2012 Preditors and Editors Reader’s Poll (P&E Poll). “I’ve been truly humbled by all the support the book received during the polling process,” Jennifer Gladen stated.  “I hope this recognition helps spread the word about the book, but more importantly the cause behind the book.”

Angel Donor, published by Guardian Angel Publishing and illustrated by Samantha Bell, is a picture book about a child in needof a liver transplant. It is inspired by her daughter who was born with liver disease and needed a transplant. “I wanted to create a book that children in the same situation can identify with,” Gladen said. “It had to be a book that explains what the children go through, but ends in hope. I often yearned for a book to read to my daughter when she had questions about her disease.”

When Angel Donor had been nominated for the 2012 P&E Poll, Gladen was thrilled. The poll is an Internet poll on books of all categories. It is designed to help authors gain exposure for their work and help readers discover the newest books out there. As taken from the P&E website, "As part of our overall effort to assist and promote writers, we are proud to present the annual Preditors and Editors Reader's Poll".  P&E is also well known for their vigilance in warning authors about publishing scams.
For more information about the book, please visit:


Monday, January 7, 2013

New Issue of GAK January 2013

M E D I A  R E L E A S E
CONTACT:    Donna McDine, Editor-in-Chief, Guardian Angel Kids Ezine
Email:              submissions@...
For Immediate Release

Children’s Ezine Guardian Angel Kids: Sewing – January 2013 Issue

Publisher, Lynda S. Burch remembers fondly as a young girl how her grandmother, mother, and aunt had a quilting frame suspended from the ceiling in their basement. Burch and her relatives sat around it for hours, busily quilting away on their assigned sections. No TV or other noise, only the quiet sound of the quilter’s voices chatting. Time spent here was not only valuable in honing one’s sewing skills, but intertwined the family bond, much like the precise and tight stitching from each quilter to produce a beautiful quilt to be cherished for generations to come.
Come explore the world of Guardian Angel Kids through the thought provoking short stories and articles and learn sewing tips along the way. A hemming your pants poetry, Fingers Hats share s the history of thimbles, Calico Corners brings family history to life through quilting, Ribbons tests one’s sewing talents, how Hand Sewing teaches a new way of fun beyond video games, and essential tips for Easy Literacy Activities.
Surf on over to Guardian Angel Kids today, enjoy a child safe ad free Ezine and visit the writers and illustrators in the Guardian Angel Kids January 2013 issue and enjoy the inspiring poetry, stories, articles and activities.
We also invite you to stay connected with Guardian Angel Kids through our Facebook Fan Page
Please feel free to drop Editor-in-Chief, Donna McDine an email at submissions@... and let them know what you think of Guardian Angel Kids and what you'd like to see in the future. They aim to please.

The Guardian Angel Kids Ezine staff and contributors look forward to your visit. Thank you for your time and interest.