Saturday, February 2, 2013

Upcoming Events

Look for me next month at my two local events. I will be at Christ the King on March 10 and for all my Holy Redeemer fans, I'll be hanging out with you on Family Fun Night. Don't miss these events. You can purchase an autographed copy of any of my books, including the award winner Angel Donor. 

At Christ the King I will be selling and signing my books. Be sure to visit me and get a free autographed book mark just for stopping by. Teachers and Librarians, don't miss my flyer about author visits. You'll learn how I can do small group or large group presentations. I also have a lesson plan handout on shadows to go with Teresa's Shadow. 

If we meet up at Holy Redeemer, I will be reading Teresa's Shadow to the children and signing and selling my books. Plus there's a chance to win a basket of all three of my books autographed. 

Both events are sure to be packed with fun! 

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