Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Writer's Craft Summit

I just happened to see a post on one of my groups telling about the Writer's Craft Summit. I've been looking for something like this for a while. The videos are free to watch during the timeframe of the summit.

I've seen a few videos so far, but one of my favorites is the video titled "Creating Complex Characters".  Megan Linski had many great suggestions on how to develop your character. One thing that really hit me was when she said how difficult it is to write your novel if you haven't fully developed your character yet. She mentioned that sometimes the character sheets we use to develop our characters can limit our creativity. One suggestion is to interview and observe your character. Put them in situations and see what they do. I loved these ideas and I definitely plan to apply this to my work in progress.

My Work in Progeress is a novel that I have been working on for a long time. I go through dry spells with it because I often feel I hit a wall. After watching this video I am inspired to take another serious look at my book's characters and see where they need to further develop.

One thing I asked myself was, What do you love about your favorite characters in other novels? Can you predict what they would do? How did the author convey this character's traits so clearly? I definitely walked away from that video inspired.

Have you joined the Writer's Craft Summit? What video did you enjoy?

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