Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Q is for Quest # AtoZBlogging Challenge

Welcome to today's word of the day for the A to Z Blogging Challenge: QUEST.   I am keeping up with my quest to successfully complete the A to Z challenge. Ten more posts to go and the finish line is in sight.

One of the comments on a previous post mentioned that this is where the challenge gets harder. I agree. There's a few difficult letters in the future and we start running out of ideas. Even though some parts of the challenge seem a little harder, it's still much easier for me than it was in the beginning.

I have some strategies for the remainder of my QUEST. I'm considering  prepalanning my last  several posts (however, I know all too well what happens when I plan. Sometimes it works, other times my muse takes over.)

So as we are rounding the coner and approaching the finish line in this blogging challenge, I wish you all much success in finishing your QUEST.

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