Thursday, April 14, 2016

L is for Like #AtoZBlogging Challenge

Okay, you've heard enough from me about how tough it is too keep up with the blogging challenge and to blog daily. And I admit, when the challenge is over, I'll probably blog a lot less (I don't want to write just to write. I want to be saying something that will help others).

Today will be different, though. For the Letter L, I will be looking at the word Like. Despite how it sounds, I truly do like writing. I LOVE it in fact. It is freeing have an idea in your head and work out the perfect arrangement of words to say what you are thinking. I like how when I write, my mind is pulled into an alternate world. Once I stop, I need to get my bearings so that I can function in "the real world".

 I like that when I blog, I connect not just with other authors, but with readers as well. 
I like ( okay, maybe LOVE  this one) when I am writing something for my book and the complete opposite of what I planned pops up on the page. How does that happen? Who's writing this book anyway?

I like when I'm "stuck" in my writing, but I write anyway, and then I am surprised by what I finally did write. I like "catching" readers as they browse through my books, no matter what age they are. 

I like that no matter how stressed I am about my current writing projects, I always feel accomplished when I finish a piece of the project. 

So while most of my posts are about the struggle of the challenge, be assured that I'm mostly giving myself ( and other bloggers) a pep talk to keep writing.

What do you like (or LOVE) about writing? 

1 comment:

  1. I love so many things about writing and blogging its hard to settle on one thing. I guess if you forced me it would have to be it gives me an outlet to freely express myself in a positive and constructive way. Nice to meet Ya! Happy A to Z'ing
