Friday, January 2, 2015

Reading and Writing in 2015

It is a new year and I am pumped. I have been off the radar lately and I admit: I've been hiding under a pile of interesting YA novels since November. In addition to all this FUN reading, I also have been fulfilling my new teaching responsibilities,

All this reading, however, has motivated me to also tend more to my writing.  I have many great stories swimming around and they need to be told. Reading from these wonderful authors has reminded me that I have fallen victim to what I call The Writing Enemy. I am realizing now that when an author also works full time, he or she needs to better budget their time if their writing is to survive. So, for this writer, that is Resolution #1 - and a resolution I plan to stick with.

As with all resolutions we intend to keep, it is important to have a plan in order to establish a habit of writing. Since I have read several books lately (and I was too excited about them to stop and do a review), my plan is to reflect on and re-read these books with the goal of writing a review.  Small steps. In addition I have several writing snippets that I had planned to turn into a novel. I feel I am now ready to pursue those projects --or at least one of them. It is amazing what the New Year and a few great authors can inspire.

So, who do you expect to hear about? I have explored several self published authors and have been pleasantly surprised by their work. Some of my favorites over the last few months have been Chanda Hahn, Heather Sunseri, Rachel Morgan , and Brenda Hiatt. Do yourself a favor and check these guys out, especially if you like YA and fantasy fiction.

Happy Reading!

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