Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winner of the 12/12/12 Giveaway

Thank you all for participating in the 12/12/12 A Star in the Night giveaway. I have randomly drawn a name from a hat and am thrilled to announce Donna S. Is today's winner! Enjoy the book!

And Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Star in the Night Giveaway!


A Star in the Night, a Christmas story about the true meaning of Christmas and recipient of the Catholic Writer's guild Seal of Approval, is having a giveaway! 

Usually, an author doesn't like numbers as much as words, but today I just can't resist. With the numbers 12/12/12, and it being so close to Christmas I decided to hold a giveaway! All you have to do is leave a comment here, AND like my facebook page Jen Gladen . On December 12, 2012 I  will randomly draw a winner and send the winner a FREE AUTOGRAPHED COPY of A Star in the Night! 

Please be sure to share this post with anyone you think may be interested. This is a great gift idea for that someone special!