Sunday, April 29, 2012

Craft Show Appearance Today

I brought my books, Teresa's Shadow and A Star in the Night to the craft show at the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer's Provincialiate. I love doing craft tables at events like this to see all the interesting things other people bring as well.

 I also explained to my daughters, who came to help, that this is a great way to promote the books. Getting the word out about your books is essential.

I sold some books, had a great pancake breakfast and met some interesting people today. The highlight, and I'll probably post this on my Random Thoughts About God blog as well, was meeting a deacon from a local parish. He was particularly interested in A Star in the Night and My Light Magazine. We had a nice conversation about children, writing, and the Catholic faith. It even ended with a little blessing. You just never know what may come out of these events.

On a separate note, I had planned on doing the April AtoZ Blogging challenge but eerily, the month slipped by me. Thanks to all those who checked in on the blog and attempted your support. Posting regularly is a skill I must sharpen.

Swing by my facebook page to see more pictures of today's event. 


  1. Hi Jennifer! Sounds like it was a very productive craft show. Always great to sell books and meet new people. Also nice to have some very supportive helpers, as you did.
    : )


  2. Thanks Susanne! Yes, my girls like to be big helpers at my events :)
