Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blogging A to Z Challenge is Almost Here

It's almost that time of year again. The Blogging A to Z challenge where you are challenged to do "one month of blogging through the alphabet." It begins April 1, 2012. Use it any way you wish, with whatever theme fits your writing. Each post starts with a letter - beginning with A on day 1 and ending with Z on the last day.

For more information. please visit  A to Z Blogging Challenge and sign up. Comment below with a link to your blog and I'd love to follow your posts! Have fun!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Books in a Basket

Yesterday there was a "Basket Extravaganza" to raise money for my local parish.  When my son's first grade was looking for donated items for their basket, I offered an autographed copy of A Star in the Night and Teresa's Shadow. The teacher was thrilled and thought it would fit in nicely with their "Cold and Flu" theme.  Who couldn't use a book to cozy up with when they're sick, right?

It was a fun event and I wished I could have stayed for the whole event, but my first grader wasn't feeling well. (Anyone else find the irony in that?)  So we stopped on by, took some chances for some other great baskets and left. Of course, we didn't leave before snapping some pictures of the basket with my books.

Let's see how sharp your eyes are.  Can you spot A Star in the Night?

 Teresa's Shadow is lurking in the back of the basket As always, thanks for your continuous support, CTK!

Click on the links to get your own copy of A Star in the Night and Teresa's Shadow.  When you do, stop by my facebook page and tell me what you thought!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Children's Writer Contest

Children's Writer is having another writing contest! Be sure to check it out here.   As an editor, I highly recommend  participating in as many contests as possible. It helps teach you to adhere to writers guidelines and is excellent practice, if nothing else. 

This contest is about a middle grade mystery. Visit the link above for rules and guidelines. Good Luck! Maybe I'll see ya there.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Come check me out on Goodreads

I've been making better use of Goodreads lately. Goodreads is a great place for authors and readers alike to share, recommend and discuss books and their love of books. They even have a special Author page for authors who are promoting their books and works.  Come check me out on Goodreads. Be sure to add me as a friend and fan my page. Leave a comment with your link and I'll gladly return the favor.

Some author updates:
  • I am consolidating my facebook pages into one author page. If you are a fan of Teresa's Shadow or A Star in the Night on FB, please head on over to my AUTHOR PAGE and follow me there as well. I look forward to connecting with you all there.

  • I am in the process of booking several author events. More info will be provided once the information is official, so stay tuned.

  • Parents or family of children with special medical concerns may be excited about my new book coming out soon titled Angel Donor. This is a medical specialty book about a young girl in need of a liver transplant and her journey toward this life saving surgery.