Thursday, April 21, 2011

R is for Rejections

As Editor-in-Chief of My Light Magazine, I had run into times where I've had to reject a manuscript. It's the thing I like LEAST about running the magazine.  However, if the magazine is to improve and accomplish it's goal to spread the Catholic faith to our readers, we must be selective.
As writers, how should we handle rejections? The professional thing to do would be to take the editor's advice - if any is offered (see Why You Get Form Rejections) and resubmit elsewhere. Unless the editor asks for a resubmission, I would avoid it.  If you are fortunate enough for this request, be sure to refresh the editor's memory by simply stating, "Per your request I have addressed the issues and am resubmitting...".

It rarely helps to defend your manuscript once it is rejected. Yes, you will be remembered by the editors - but not the way you hope.You don't want to be remembered for negative behavior and risk appearing unprofessional.

The best thing to do is run the manuscript through your critique group - yes  YET AGAIN, reassess your markets, and submit elsewhere.

The effort will pay off. That manuscript will be ready for that one right publication. Then it and you will be remembered for your writing skill - not your reaction to a rejection.


  1. This is wise advice to heed from someone who knows.

    Tossing It Out

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good post! I'm always amazed when people want to engage in combat with an editor who rejects. Chances are, the editor is probably right, and if they aren't, well just move on!

  4. awards for you!

    I am giving you the talented writer award, and the blogger buddy award ..

    enjoy, share with 1 to 5 friends if you wish.
