Monday, April 4, 2011

A is for A to Z Blogging Challenge

I joined, albeit - a few days late- the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. I just learned about it and think this is a great way to blog more often than when the inspiration hits. The goal of the challenge is to post something every day on your blog except Sundays so that there will be 26 April posts - one for each letter of the Alphabet. To read more about the challenge click on the side banner or visit the A to Z blog. I will be doing this on two of my blogs: Random Thoughts About God and my Author blog.

The Random Thoughts blog will be themed. of course, on God and the Church. What a great mid-Lenten challenge!

My author blog will be themed on writing, writing for children, my books, book reviews, My Light Magazine and other similar topics.

Be sure to follow along and join in the fun! Don't worry if you're a day or two late - do what I did and roll up those sleeves and jump on in!

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