Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spiritual Bouquet for Father John Corapi

Dear Friends,

When we work for God, we make enemies. Sometimes physical, sometimes spiritual, and sometimes both. Father John Corapi is a courageous priest who preaches the truth of Jesus and the Catholic Church. His words are powerful, thought provoking and inspirational. He has turned many lives around, helped many lost souls find God – all by his words.

Recently, there was an attack launched against this faithful priest. The accusations are hurtful and untruthful. Below, Father Corapi explains the situation, taken from his website:

“On Ash Wednesday I learned that a former employee sent a three-page letter to several bishops accusing me of everything from drug addiction to multiple sexual exploits with her and several other adult women…All of the allegations in the complaint are false, and I ask you to pray for all concerned. “

--Father John Corapi

More information can be found at the above link.

Many Catholics, in the past and present, suffer persecution because of their beliefs. When one suffers, especially a leader in our faith, it is natural to want to relieve that suffering. In an effort to do this, I would like to offer Father John Corapi a POWERFUL and inspirational spiritual bouquet .

Here’s how to help: Pledge one, two , ten or however many prayers you wish for Father John Corapi and his suffering and all those involved, since it was Father’s request to “pray for all concerned.” Your prayers can be traditional prayers, personal intentions, Masses, Rosaries, chaplets, devotions, hours of Adoration, Lenten Sacrifices, fasting, etc. Once you make your pledge, offer up the prayers and know you’ve done a Spiritual Work of Mercy. I’d like to have the spiritual bouquet completed in time for Easter Sunday. It would be meaningful to present these on the day our Lord defeated death and saved us from our sins.

Thank you for your interest in helping this priest who has helped us all in our spiritual lives. May God bless you!

Jennifer Gladen

Children’s Author

Founder/Editor –in-Chief My Light Magazine

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