Thursday, November 25, 2010

Interview with A Star in the Night's David

I had a chance to talk with David, the main character in Jennifer Gladen’s Christmas book, “A Star in the Night” on Thanksgiving Day. Here’s what David had to say:

JG: Thanks for joining me David on this Thanksgiving Day. I won’t take up too much of your time since it is a holiday.

David: Thank you. I’m glad to be here.

JG: Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas Season. How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?

David: (Smiling) We have so much fun. Mom, Dad, me and baby Jesse all visit Grandmom’s house. She cooks a huge turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and lots of cranberry sauce. At the end of the night, Grandmom gives me some early Christmas money. She does this every year.

JG: What do you do with the early Christmas money?

David: I love to go to the mall. Sometimes I even have enough money left to buy some of Mr. Rennetti’s Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve.

JG: That’s right. We read about those cookies in A Star in the Night. They sound yummy.

David: They’re the best!

JG: In A Star in the Night, you seem to have a companion on your way home. Tell me, what did you think about it?

David: What? Oh you mean that star. Yes, that was a beautiful star. I never seen anything like it before. I felt like it followed me home that night.

JG: You ran into some interesting people that Christmas Eve.

David: Yes, they were. And wonderful people who I’m grateful to know. You’ll have to read the book to learn more about them.

JG: That’s fair. We’re about out of time. Is there anything you’d like me to share with our readers?

David: Enjoy your Thanksgiving and be sure to share my story with your families.

JG: Okay, will do. Happy Thanksgiving. Now go on back with your family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Please welcome my newest book, Teresa's Shadow

I am pleased to announce another children's book of mine published by Guardian Angel Publishing ( ).

Every child once in a while discovers a fear of the dark at bedtime or monsters at night. Some fear it all! This latest book, published October 2010 is about a currious little girl, Teresa, and a new friend, Corky. Teresa and Corky must face their fears and differences in order for Corky to make it home.

Teresa's Shadow can be found at:

Guardian Angel Publishing -


Barnes and Noble

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Star in the Night is born

I am thrilled to announce my first picture book, A Star in the Night is now available. Illustrated by the talented K.C Snider and published by none other than Guardian Angel Publishing just in time for Christmas, this heartwarming story will ponder what Christmas is about.

Meet and follow David as he makes his way home from the mall on Christmas Eve. With Christmas traditions floating through his mind, he has no idea what he's about to encounter. And it will change his view of Christmas forever.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to own it today!

If you already have it and read it, feel free to post a review on Amazon. I'm holding a contest now - the first person who writes a review AND sends me an email/link to the review will receive a  free autographed copy. In your e-mail please include the link, your name and address. Please note: the winnder has to be the FIRST review AND has to send me the e-mail. Write to Thanks and good luck!  

Friday, April 23, 2010

Updates on My Light Magazine

My Light Magazine, a Catholic children's free e-zine for children has some updates.

First - My Light is looking for a new Art Director and possibly an assistant.
Here's the info:

Be a Part of the My Light Team!

Art Director for My Light Magazine


The Art Director at My Light Magazine is responsible for acquiring and coordinating illustrations for poems, stories and articles. Organizational skills and follow up skills are a must.

The Art Director realizes this, as other positions at My Light Magazine, are on a volunteer basis for now.


• Recruit new illustrators

• Coordinate illustrators with manuscripts

• Follow up with illustrators who agree to illustrate a manuscript

• Send illustrations to Editor-in-Chief

• Perform other duties as needed

If interested, please contact Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Gladen at  or  

Second: My Light recognizes the time and energy of all our volunteers should be honored and respected. That is why we are still striving to become a paying market. One way we hope to do this is to participate in the I Give program.

Supporters sign up at I and choose My Light Catholic Magazine as their cause. When they do this and shop via store links on I Give, a percentage of your purchases goes to My Light. Also - there's a way to support us without spending one dime! All you have to do is use the ISearchIGive search engine when you are signed in to I Give and My Light will receive 1 penny - sometimes more - per search you do. Here's an easy way to sign up and help us:  

Also - there's a special promotion going on now offering more help for the magazine. Click here  for more details

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Third Annual Catholic Writer's Conference Online

It's almost here! The Online Catholic Writer's Conference. Come and check it out!


CONTACT: Karina Fabian
Phone: (805) 285-0108

Ann Margaret Lewis
Phone: (317) 755-2693

For Immediate Release

Catholic Writers Online Conference Provides Authors More Opportunities than Ever!

World Wide Web--In order to get published, writers need several things: knowledge, support and opportunity. The Catholic Writers Conference Online seeks to give writers all of those--for free!

Writers, editors, agents, and other publishing professionals from around the world are gearing up for the third annual Catholic Writers’ Conference Online, which will be held February 26-March 5, 2010. Sponsored by the Catholic Writer’s Guild, the online conference is free of charge and open to writers of all levels who register before February 15, 2010.

Workshops and live online chats cover the gamut of writing topics from idea generation to marketing a published novel; traditional and self-publishing, article writing and fiction, and much more. "We have sixty subject-matter experts giving their time to teach others--from the fledgling writer learning about plot to the experienced author wanting to better market their works," said co-coordinator Karina Fabian.

In addition, ten prominent publishers (Catholic, Christian and secular) will hear pitches, giving authors an unprecedented opportunity to chat personally despite living hundreds or thousands of miles away.

The CWCO has also added small critique workshops, where writers can get information and advice specific to their writing.

"CWG's goal in creating these conferences is to help Catholic authors get published. In this economy, the online conference provides a great opportunity for Catholic writers to better their skills and jump forward in their writing careers. The cost is nil and the value is priceless. No Catholic writer should miss it," said CWG Vice President Ann Lewis.

Although the conference is offered free of charge, donations are accepted; proceeds will go toward future conferences. To register or for more information, go to

# # #

Graphics, interviews and further information available upon request.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Guardian Angel Publishing Releases New Magazine

Guardian Angel Publishing (GAP), the publishing company which has three of my children's books under contract, recently embarked on a new adventure. They announced the debut of their online interactive magazine titled Guardian Angel Kids. Lynda S. Burch, publisher of the well-known Guardian Angel books, is also the publisher of the magazine. She named Jennifer Reed, founder of Wee-Ones magazine, as Editor-in-Chief. And Kevin McNamee was named Technical Director. A big congrats goes out to them.

The magazine has stories (some consisting of well-known GAP characters), activities, videos and tons of free stuff.

Go on over and try it out. If you're a fan of the books, I think you'll love the magazine.
Leave a comment - what do you think of this new mag on the market?

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Spiritual Bouquet to March for Life

A Spiritual Bouquet to March for Life

Today, hundreds of thousands of people gathered to march on Washington DC for the annual March for Life. It occurs every year on the anniversary of the Roe V Wade decision legalizing abortions. March for life not only acts as a voice for the unborn, but also the elderly and all those facing end-of-life care and decisions.

As Editor-in-Chief of a Catholic Magazine, I was disappointed I couldn’t make the march this year. I still wanted to do something to show my full support for this cause as I watched on TV speakers, children, adults and others stand up for life.
In that moment I decided that prayers for these supporters and their cause will go a long way. They need the strength of the Holy Spirit to persevere for they are fighting for God and His children. Therefore, My Light Magazine decided we will present a spiritual bouquet to the March for Life Organization.

Please pledge your prayers in support of all the marchers in the March for Life. Send My Light your designated prayer and any short words of encouragement. Some great prayers are the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Mass, etc.

We will collect all the prayer intentions and present them to the March for Life organization. Each pledge will be represented by an illustrated flower as part of the bouquet. We will list your name and your prayer pledge. If we have too many contributors, we will provide a list of all the prayer pledges along with a beautiful illustrated bouquet. Illustrator and My Light’s paper doll designer, Candace J Hardy will design the illustration for the bouquet.

The goal is if we can support the marchers with our prayers we are helping the cause. We are helping not only get their voices heard, but we are helping to save lives, including unborn children. Press release to soon follow.

To begin e-mailing your prayer pledges, send them to