Friday, February 12, 2010

The Third Annual Catholic Writer's Conference Online

It's almost here! The Online Catholic Writer's Conference. Come and check it out!


CONTACT: Karina Fabian
Phone: (805) 285-0108

Ann Margaret Lewis
Phone: (317) 755-2693

For Immediate Release

Catholic Writers Online Conference Provides Authors More Opportunities than Ever!

World Wide Web--In order to get published, writers need several things: knowledge, support and opportunity. The Catholic Writers Conference Online seeks to give writers all of those--for free!

Writers, editors, agents, and other publishing professionals from around the world are gearing up for the third annual Catholic Writers’ Conference Online, which will be held February 26-March 5, 2010. Sponsored by the Catholic Writer’s Guild, the online conference is free of charge and open to writers of all levels who register before February 15, 2010.

Workshops and live online chats cover the gamut of writing topics from idea generation to marketing a published novel; traditional and self-publishing, article writing and fiction, and much more. "We have sixty subject-matter experts giving their time to teach others--from the fledgling writer learning about plot to the experienced author wanting to better market their works," said co-coordinator Karina Fabian.

In addition, ten prominent publishers (Catholic, Christian and secular) will hear pitches, giving authors an unprecedented opportunity to chat personally despite living hundreds or thousands of miles away.

The CWCO has also added small critique workshops, where writers can get information and advice specific to their writing.

"CWG's goal in creating these conferences is to help Catholic authors get published. In this economy, the online conference provides a great opportunity for Catholic writers to better their skills and jump forward in their writing careers. The cost is nil and the value is priceless. No Catholic writer should miss it," said CWG Vice President Ann Lewis.

Although the conference is offered free of charge, donations are accepted; proceeds will go toward future conferences. To register or for more information, go to

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Graphics, interviews and further information available upon request.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Guardian Angel Publishing Releases New Magazine

Guardian Angel Publishing (GAP), the publishing company which has three of my children's books under contract, recently embarked on a new adventure. They announced the debut of their online interactive magazine titled Guardian Angel Kids. Lynda S. Burch, publisher of the well-known Guardian Angel books, is also the publisher of the magazine. She named Jennifer Reed, founder of Wee-Ones magazine, as Editor-in-Chief. And Kevin McNamee was named Technical Director. A big congrats goes out to them.

The magazine has stories (some consisting of well-known GAP characters), activities, videos and tons of free stuff.

Go on over and try it out. If you're a fan of the books, I think you'll love the magazine.
Leave a comment - what do you think of this new mag on the market?