Thursday, November 20, 2008

Of Atlantis: Part Two of the Prologue

Okay. As promised here is the second part of the prologue from Lanaia Lee's Of Atlantis. Enjoy the ride! I found it tons of fun.


Archimedes mother gave him a puppy and hoped this would provide much needed companionship for her very lonely son. Archimedes was very careful of how he played with the
dog because of his extraordinary powers. One day while playing, the dog jumped up on the child
and scared him. He was still too young to control his powers, so he pushed the dog aside when
right before the boy’s eyes, the dog just disappeared.

The child had not meant to hurt his only friend, the puppy he so loved, but Archimedes
still did not know how to control his very special gift. The child honestly believed it to be some
sort of demonic curse which saddened and frightened him.

Archimedes loved all kinds of animals, even insects. He saw them as his only friends. He
walked over to his mother’s roses and listened to the birds as they sang. The bees buzzed from
the rose bushes, going about their business and their most important work.

One bee found its way to Archimedes and stung him, hurting the child. Archimedes did
not know that after a bee stings someone it dies. So, the small child said, “Where are you? You
hurt me. If I find you, I will kill you.”

His nanny standing close overheard this and admonished him, “Archimedes, you should
be ashamed. A child of your age shouldn’t say such things!” His nanny kept a safe distance from
the boy because she, just like every one else, feared the young child’s capabilities. His nurse
continued, “You should come inside now. It is almost time for your nap!”

Archimedes replied stubbornly, “I don’t want to go inside. I want to play some more!”

But his nanny was very persistent and kept fussing at the child.
Archimedes’ frustratration boiled within his very being. He wanted to hurt her, but he
knew this is wrong, so he took a deep breath and went inside with his nanny. He followed his nanny to his bedroom, where she cautiously tucked him in his bed for a nap. Archimedes watched his nanny until he saw that she was gone. Then he jumped out of bed, and very quietly made his way to his mother’s chambers. When he arrived there, he slowly opened the door and peeked inside.

His mother, Queen Cheris, pulled a brush through her hair when she spied her small son.
She smiled at him and with open arms she cried out, “Archimedes, come to me.” The child ran
and they embraced. Archimedes really loved his mother as a true friend and protector. He never
sensed fear from his mother.

As Cheris held her son, she noticed the child felt warm. She mentioned this to Archimedes and then poured her son a cool glass of water, which he greedily drank. Cheris then said, “I know you didn’t have lessons today as your teacher took ill. What did you do all day?”

Archimedes answered, “I played in the gardens all day by myself. Mother, can I have
another puppy to play with? I promise to be careful so I don’t hurt this one. I just want someone
to play with. I hear the others playing outside the wall and I feel so bad. I have no one to play
with. Everybody is afraid of me.”

Cheris looked down as she answered her son, “Let’s see what we can do about getting
you another puppy. I know you are lonesome my son, but when you are older, I promise you will
understand everything.”


There you have it! Stay tuned for part three tomorrow!


  1. Great second part to the prologue...enjoyed it very much!

    Donna McDine

  2. Hi,
    You've been tagged for blog tag! Please visit my blog for the rules.

  3. Puppies are always a great idea to have in children's books. I mean animals in general, depending on the target audience.
