Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Welcome, 2008! It's a new year...and with a new year comes new goals. I've been thinking back on 2007 lately and I realized that I accomplished some huge things this year. My writing is taking off. I've had many stories and articles published, began my own website and blogs, and attended my first conferences. Most of all, I've signed my first book contract with Guardian Angel Publishing for "A Star in the Night," due out this summer.

Looking back, it seems tough to beat such a great year for me. But, as always, I have some goals in mind. I'm sure the list will grow over the year. I want to get my current work in progress published - or at least under contract. Other goals I have are to keep up more with my blogs, writing and website, even out my time so that I am sure to have family time as well as work time, and attend more conferences.

What about you? What are some resolutions that you are pondering? Go ahead and leave a comment and share your goals.

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