Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Four Friends

We were the best,
We were one of a kind,
Four friends like us,
Will be hard to find.

It started one day,
We got along well,
Four excellent writers,
Now wasn’t that swell?

With our brains all a turning,
We critiqued all our work,
Our partners were friends,
A wonderful perk!

How do groups fall,
And grow far apart?
Won’t happen to ours,
‘Twas made from the heart.

But alas the day came,
When words were mistaken,
Members had bailed,
Were they just faking?

How ‘d ones so close,
Allow such a rift?
Instead of close by,
Our hearts are adrift.

We’re not really sure,
of all that has happened,
We’ll try to move on,
Though our souls are saddened.

We'll miss our dear friend,
And all that could be,
Instead of four members,
We’re now down to three.

We were the best,
We were one of a kind,
Four friends like us,
Will be hard to find.


This poem is about a member of my group that needed to move on. We'll miss her !


  1. What a beautiful poem, Jen! I love it! *sniff*

  2. Thanks Jean! It helped me heal from that experience. Now onward! To The Sacred Circle!
